
Blushing Berry

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lipstick: L'oreal 590 Blushing berry 

Hey guys, Im home just looking out the window and staring at the snow. (IM SICK OF THIS WEATHER) Does anyone else feel my pain?, I can't wait for spring!! Well just wanted to post this picture from last weekend, I love how my makeup came out and most definitely I'm in love with L'oreals lipsticks. This one cost around $8 at a drugstore near me, and I just love the color of it. This is what my daily makeup looks like, I just usually change the lipsticks color depending on my mood, and clothes. My outfit is just leggings and a shirt I bought at Joyce leslie not to long ago. As well as the headband which actually cost me $2 (What a Great Deal). On my next post It will be a review on some of the makeup products I use.  Hope you guys are having a good weekend. 

  Thanks for reading, 


  1. Hi, I'm Ira. I just found your blog. Beautiful outfit and they look awesome !!
    I would be delighted if we could follow each other. Let me know !!!
    Have a nice day, Ira

    1. Hi Ira, Yes indeed would love follow each other. My friends connect gadget is not working at this moment I have no idea how to Fix it. But You can follow me on social medias and stay connected. I will follow your page now. Thanks so much for passing by.


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